1. Good Afternoon 2. I had dreams about an ole chum, Angelica Romo 3. We both were studying at Queens College-CUNY together 4. we were in the honors program 5. hey ange 6. hi wuvvies *ogle*
1. I just woke up. 2. I should be leaving by early December. 3. Over a decade ago, Michael was tryna to get me to delete all my accounts. 4. But I never did. 5. Why? 6. Because I'm not THAT Stupid.
1. had to fix that post 2. i'm carrie cocci... but really emma ruth mccallister 3. i was sleepy when i made that astro post 4. good afternoon livejournal 5. good afternoon wuvvies - E.A.R.L. *snog* *ogle* *cling* 6. I'm still carrie cocci.
1. Good Afternoon Livejournal 2. I'm preparing to leave 3. I left most of you behind except my family 4. I'll attend reunions 5. but what we HAD was long ago and in the past 6. I'm embracing my future 7. it's new - new beginnings, new faces, new romances 8. not gonna fuck up tomorrow with yesterdays 9. no more pinterest homefeed